Goyard Handbags Shoulder Bags Travel Bags Unisex
$118.00 $170.00
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Goyard Goya counter annual latest upgrade version ✅Croisiere travel bag sports bag shoulder bag men’s and women’s bag handbag large size 55×23×26cm
customized production 2200
customized production 2200
Brands: Goyard
Categories: Bags, Crossbody & Shoulder Bags, Handbags, Travel Bags
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A good compact bag, it is convenient to take on the road. I took a small option. I liked it. Sewn qualitatively.
Let’s see how it shows itself. Thank you and good luck with the trade. AliExpress often helps, unlike our local barygs.
Super fast delivery-3 weeks. The bag quality is excellent, thank you to the seller!
Good bag, arrived long before the date indicated.sewn very neatly, the fabric is soft,.
Came together with other parcels by one package. Packed simply, in a bag, and it is not required. Looks good. I recommend to buy.
Very fast shipping. This seller still hasn’t let me down, trust him as always
Lovely bag just right for me..The colour is just right and matches my other clothing etc.