Shop Cheap High Quality 1:1 Replica Louis Vuitton Bags Handbags Black Weave Epi Resin Casual M59134
$138.00 $180.00
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M59134 Black [Top Original Order]
The new woven ClunyBB handbag uses Epi leather to outline a novel twill pattern, with a smooth resin LV logo and bright lining. The removable reversible shoulder strap in colorful jacquard gives off a contemporary feel, making it suitable for formal or casual occasions. 28x20x10cm
The new woven ClunyBB handbag uses Epi leather to outline a novel twill pattern, with a smooth resin LV logo and bright lining. The removable reversible shoulder strap in colorful jacquard gives off a contemporary feel, making it suitable for formal or casual occasions. 28x20x10cm
Brands: Louis Vuitton
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